ISM changes name

Florence Lockheart
Friday, October 7, 2022

Formerly the Incorporated Society of Musicians, the ISM is now the Independent Society of Musicians

The ISM has today announced that it has changed it’s name from the Incorporated Society of Musicians to the Independent Society of Musicians, keeping the same founding objectives and the same, well-known acronym.

In a statement released this morning, the ISM says it has made this change to highlight the organisation’s independence which ‘allows the organisation to speak with authority on the issues facing musicians.’ Then organisation cites its ‘financial and political independence’ as the reason for the organisation’s ‘unique effectiveness’ and states the ‘new name will make it even more effective in its advocacy and support for its members.’

ISM chief executive, Deborah Annetts, said: ‘Our new name better reflects our core values and our absolute focus on improving the lives of musicians… Today's announcement is about the ISM investing in the future and will support the ISM in delivering its founding vision for the next 140 years.’

The ISM has members from all areas of the music industry including performance, administration and education across a wide range of genres. The society has responded to the recent challenges of Covid and Brexit with campaigns, research and reports including last week’s Dignity at work 2: Discrimination in the music sector report, which revealed discrimination and harassment rife in music workplaces.

Founded in 1882, today marks the ISM's 140th birthday. Earlier this year the ISM won a landmark case in The Supreme Court between music teacher Lesley Brazel and The Harpur Trust, with the court ruling in favour of holiday pay for term-time music teachers in line with other workers.

Vick Bain, ISM president, said: ‘The ISM has a formidable history; we have been at the forefront of musical life for 140 years and it's with great pride that we take these steps forward today... The word “Independent” is central to everything we do so I welcome the new name. It reflects who we are and what we do.’