Freelance work for musicians 'virtually impossible' in Europe, ISM warns

Lucy Thraves
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Incorporated Society of Musicians has warned the Prime Minister that freelance work in Europe has been severely compromised due to issues surrounding the Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) has written to the Prime Minister to criticise the lack of progress in resolving the issues faced by the creative industries as a result of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA).

In March, the PM assured the sector that he was working 'flat out' to address the serious concerns such as mobility issues around visas, work permits and moving goods between the UK and EU.

Read more: Working 'flat out' for a solution: UK Music responds to government's work permits promise

Since this time, the PM has failed to provide details of any progress undertaken. The ISM called this 'extremely disappointing', before going on to warn that it is 'virtually impossible for many creative professionals to work in Europe on a short term or freelance basis'. 

The ISM has reiterated its five main requests to the government, outlined below:

  1. Negotiate a bespoke Visa Waiver Agreement (VWA) with the EU for our sector, covering all creative professionals including technical and support staff as well as journalists.
  2. Negotiate bilateral agreements with key individual EU Member States that do not currently offer sufficient cultural exemptions for work permits, or which are the most important financially for creative workers.
  3. Provide comprehensive, accurate guidance on the Government website around visas, work permits, and movement of goods and people in Europe.
  4. Provide an emergency funding package to support creative professionals given the level of additional costs they now face when undertaking work in Europe.
  5. Urgently take steps to reduce the adverse impact of the new road haulage and cross-trade rules that have made it impossible for UK established touring companies to facilitate pan-European tours.

ISM chief executive Deborah Annetts said: 'Musicians and those working across the creative industries are waiting with bated breath for the government to implement solutions that reopen the door to Europe.

'However, they have been left disappointed as the Prime Minister said he’d deliver on his promise but had no substance to back up those claims after more than three months.

'Our solutions which include a Visa Waiver Agreement, bilateral agreements and emergency funding, will allow our world-leading musicians – many of whom have struggled for work throughout the pandemic - get back to work in Europe.
Musicians and creatives cannot be left in limbo anymore, they deserve urgent action so that our industry can look to the future with some certainty.'